In the Media

Mother's Grace news and interviews

Mother's Grace supports White Hat Project in Tanzania (2025)

The video is the White hat Project coming to fruition in Tanzania Africa, a free standing prenatal care center for young girls who are dealing with the aftermath of rape and incest in their tribes and become pregnant. Mothers Grace dedicated their resources and funding for the last two years to help get this project to the finish line.

"12 Days of Christmas" Campaign

City Sun Times profiles Mother’s Grace 2024 holiday fund raiser

Channel 3 GMAZ profiles Mother's Grace organization (2024)

Mother's Grace featured on Sonora Living (2024)

Valley nonprofit helping mothers in times of need (2024)

The Nothing is Wasted Podcast Episode 79 – Michelle Moore

​Fearless Fabulous You With Michelle Moore, Founder, Mother's Grace

Dig Deep - Give Gracefully The Seed to Starting Your Own Philanthropic Mission

"12 Days of Christmas" Campaign profiled by City Sun Times

"12 Days of Christmas" Campaign

City Sun Times profiles Mother’s Grace 2024 holiday fund raiser

The Book that Started it All

A Mother's Grace: Healing the World One Woman at a Time

The compelling story of heroic women across the country who, despite personal trauma, found grace in difficult times and transformed their personal adversity into pay-it-forward wins by founding nonprofits that help and sustain others, mother to mother.

Auther: Michelle Moore, Founder, Mother’s Grace